Part Number Description
CON-NCJMU-LPC1ALUP Cisco SMARTnet for PC 11.x Contact Center Assurance Lic Upg - 1 concurrent agen
CON-NCHMU-LPC1ALUP Cisco SMARTnet for PC 11.x Contact Center Assurance Lic Upg - 1 concurrent agen
CON-NCFMU-LPC1ALUP Cisco SMARTnet for PC 11.x Contact Center Assurance Lic Upg - 1 concurrent agen
CON-NCDMU-LPC1ALUP Cisco SMARTnet for PC 11.x Contact Center Assurance Lic Upg - 1 concurrent agen
CON-NCDMU-RPC11ASW Cisco SMARTnet for Prime Collaboration 11.0 Assurance/Analytics Software and ba
CON-NCHMU-RPC11ASW Cisco SMARTnet for Prime Collaboration 11.0 Assurance/Analytics Software and ba
CON-NCJMU-RPC11ASW Cisco SMARTnet for Prime Collaboration 11.0 Assurance/Analytics Software and ba
CON-NCFMU-RPC11ASW Cisco SMARTnet for Prime Collaboration 11.0 Assurance/Analytics Software and ba
CON-NCJMU-RPC11PSW Cisco SMARTnet for Prime Collaboration 11.0 Provisioning Software and base Lic
CON-NCFMU-RPC11PSW Cisco SMARTnet for Prime Collaboration 11.0 Provisioning Software and base Lic
CON-NCDMU-RPC11PSW Cisco SMARTnet for Prime Collaboration 11.0 Provisioning Software and base Lic
CON-NCHMU-RPC11PSW Cisco SMARTnet for Prime Collaboration 11.0 Provisioning Software and base Lic
CON-NCHMU-LPC1IUPG Cisco SMARTnet for Prime Collaboration 11.x Analytics Lic Purch Upgrade -1endpt
CON-NCFMU-LPC1IUPG Cisco SMARTnet for Prime Collaboration 11.x Analytics Lic Purch Upgrade -1endpt
CON-NCJMU-LPC1IUPG Cisco SMARTnet for Prime Collaboration 11.x Analytics Lic Purch Upgrade -1endpt
CON-NCDMU-LPC1IUPG Cisco SMARTnet for Prime Collaboration 11.x Analytics Lic Purch Upgrade -1endpt
CON-NCHMU-LPC1NLIC Cisco SMARTnet for Prime Collaboration 11.x Analytics per endpoint license
CON-NCFMU-LPC1NLIC Cisco SMARTnet for Prime Collaboration 11.x Analytics per endpoint license
CON-NCDMU-LPC1NLIC Cisco SMARTnet for Prime Collaboration 11.x Analytics per endpoint license
CON-NCJMU-LPC1NLIC Cisco SMARTnet for Prime Collaboration 11.x Analytics per endpoint license